Congratulations to the jv football team for their victory over oak hill last night 16-0.

The Rock Hill Local School District Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday September 19, 2019 @ the Board of Education offices@ 6:30 p.m.

First Responders from Elizabeth and Upper Township along with representatives from AEP, Columbia Gas, and the Lawrence County Sheriffs Office participated in a district safety drill today. Thanks to each of you along with our staff for making our schools a safe place to learn.

Congratulations to the Rock Hill Little League A, and B Football Teams for their victories this past weekend over the Gallipolis Blue Devils. The A Team won by a score of 8-0, and the B Team defeated the Blue Devils by a score of 20-0, both shutouts! Keep up the good work boys!

👏👏 A big “thank you” to Mrs. Malone and Nurse Nikki Sturgill for their help in creating a bulletin board designed around our core values at RHHS. Love. Serve. Care. Students and staff will be encouraged to take a card and perform different “Redmen Acts of Kindness”. Looking forward to seeing this in action!

How about a big two-clap shout out to Rock Hill Middle School for being one of the leading middle schools in the county based on its State Report Card!

The Rock Hill Middle School Football game scheduled for tomorrow has been pushed back to 7:00 PM due to the expected excessive heat.

Just a reminder to students that 3 ounce ice cream cups will be on sale for one dollar a cup this Friday during each lunch. All proceeds generated will be spent on middle school students. Also, remember to wear your red or white for PRIDE Friday at the end of the week!

Rock Hill Middle School would like to remember those who perished during the September 11th attacks. Please keep the victims and their families in your prayers.

Looking forward to hearing speeches from our Senior class officer candidates this morning. We have an incredible group preparing to lead in our building. Rise up! Love. Serve. Care.

Just a reminder...students are encouraged to wear red, white, and blue at RHHS today as a way to show our respect to the victims and families impacted by the attacks on our country September 11, 2001.

Congratulations to 🎉🎉🎉 the Rock Hill Middle School Students of the Month for August. These students were selected as Our Kinda Guys and Gals for exemplifying what it means to be a Redman in and out of the classroom!

Congratulations to our middle school soccer team for defeating Chesapeake 6-0 yesterday.

Congratulations to the jv football team for their victory over Coal Grove last night 12-6.

The Rock Hill High School Scholastic Boosters will be having a meeting at 6:00 tomorrow (Tuesday) evening in the HS Library. This is a great organization designed to bring academic success to light in our district. We welcome and encourage parent involvement. Come check it out!

Congratulations to Abrianna Corbin, Meredith Rogers, Trinity Matney, Brooklyn Thomas, and Haven Noel for being the top spellers in the 5th grade. Also congratulations goes out to Marlea DePriest, Haylee Sisler, Alexa Porter, Maveric McFann, Aubree Markel, and Elijah Boyd for attaining the same honor in the 4th grade. These students will compete in a spelling bee with the top five spellers advancing to District competition against the winners of the Middle School, so study hard and good luck!

Congratulations to the Rock Hill Elementary B team for their 14 - 12 victory over the Ironton Black football team on Saturday.

9/4/19 Home vs. St. Joe
Tie 2-2
Record: 4-0-1
Makayla Scott - 1
Bri Reynolds - 1
Lucy Simpson - 1
Kylie Guy - 1
Grace Stevens - 4
Summer Collins, Head Coach RHHS Girls Soccer

Presale tickets for the home football game Friday night will be available during lunches at the Elementary school on Friday for students and staff. Tickets are $3 each.

I would like give a HUGE thank you to our teaching staff and the RH community for their generosity in sponsoring hundreds of our students with a monthly book to read in their classrooms. I greatly appreciate our staff’s commitment to one of our core values of being a literacy based school. This shows a huge commitment towards that goal. Finally, I am always amazed at the generosity that our RH community shows for our students. Thank you to all that sponsored a student this school year. Go Hill!