Rock Hill Middle School will begin the process of making up time due to the number of school cancellations this year. Starting this Monday, March 10th, Rock Hill Middle School will begin school during normal morning hours but will dismiss school to load buses and pickups at 3:25pm. In addition, a letter from the superintendent has been posted on the school website and on Facebook to inform the community. Thank you for working with us.

Important Message

Students were recently given a letter and parent signature form to allow students to access Google programs and services for educational purposes. This is a requirement from the company itself. We ask families to please sign and return the form to their school by Wednesday, March 5th. Thank you!!

The A C T test will be tomorrow for all juniors who signed up to take it.
You will need to be at the school at 7:40 to test. Collins students will be given chrome books.
All others must have their chrome books charged.

Rock Hill Local Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 2/21/25 to give daylight to any black ice that may form from melting snow. Be safe.

Rock Hill Local Schools will be closed today 2/20/25 due to slick road conditions. Be safe.

Rock Hill Local Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay tomorrow 2/20/25. We will evaluate black ice and possible overnight snow in the early morning. Be safe.

Rock Hill Local Schools will be closed today 2/19/25 due to very slick road conditions. Be safe.

Reminder!!! Final Little League signups will be tomorrow February 15th in the Elementary cafeteria from 9:00 to 12:00. Hope to see you there.

The Rock Hill youth cheerleaders are hosting a Designer Purse Bingo the Saturday, February 15th in the Rock Hill elementary cafeteria. Doors open at 3:00 p.m. and Bingo begins at 4:00 p.m. The cost is $30.00 to play 10 rounds of Bingo. There will be raffles, bake sale, nachos and more!! come out and join the fun while supporting our youth cheerleaders!!

This is a reminder about the middle school dance that will be held in the Rock Hill Middle School cafeteria this Saturday, February 15th. All Rock Hill students in grades 6th through 8th are encouraged to participate. Doors open at 6 and the dance will end at 8:00. All students must be signed in and out. Admission is $5.00 and concession will be available. The Gold Studio will offer photographs. Package information is available on the Rock Hill Middle School Softball Facebook page.

There is a correction for the time middle school teachers will be eating dinner this evening. Please plan accordingly because staff dinner will be from 3:30 pm to 4:15 pm. Thank you for understanding the typo. We hope to see you here this evening.

Any high school parent needing information on college credit plus for their student, there will be an informational meeting tomorrow February 13, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. at the high school. This will be for anyone wanting to start college credit plus in the summer or next fall.

Rock Hill Middle School staff dinner will begin at 3:30 pm during parent teacher conference evening on February 13, 2025, and end at 4:45 pm. Please plan accordingly so that this time does not conflict with your arrival. We hope to see you tomorrow evening.

Rock Hill Local Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay schedule today 2/12/25 due to patchy ice developing from overnight snow and rain. Be safe

Rock Hill Local Schools will be closed tomorrow 2/11/25 out of an abundance of caution due to the anticipation and timing of a major winter storm impacting our district. Be safe.

The Rock Hill P T O would like to remind all families that Candy Grams are due on Monday February, 9th. This will be the final day.

Rock Hill Local Schools will be closed today February 6 due to flooding throughout the district. Be safe.

Saturday February, 8th from 9:00 to 12:00 there will be sign ups for Rock Hill National Little League. This will be held in the elementary cafeteria.

Rock Hill Local Schools will dismiss at 9:30 this morning due to high water in parts of the district. Sorry for any inconvenience.